30 July 2009

Lucky, Lucky Me

Maya - one of the three performers for this piece is a teacher and is currently on her summer break. This means her schedule is free and clear until school's back in session in August. Ding!

On Monday, we're meeting to do a preliminary rehearsal (maybe more to come) to start to feel out the movement and ideas we're going to work with.

Maya, Teresa, Anne and I also discussed rehearsal schedules hopefully being on Sunday (late)mornings or Wednesday evenings. The main objective is to bang this out in 2-3, 4 months tops. Then we can put it in our pocket to keep for later.

I am also fortunate to have a couple of friends who are incredibly talented in their lines of work and that seem willing to lend themselves to wrapping this project up in a nice little bow. We're talking RESOURCEFUL to the max!

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