09 December 2009

Fundraiser! And We Are Baking A Cake!

Thanks largely to Anne we have a fundraiser for one of her students at Studio 1 in Woodinville.
Friday January 8th at 8PM.
It's likely that only Anne + Maya will be performing. It's the fate of the working woman that Teresa works late on Fridays. She will be missed! But we're working it out.
The studio is small and we're paring down the set and the still partial piece. Ha! Even more partial.
One Cake. One Cake Stand. One Table. One Missing Performer. One Missing Section.
The new cake pan needs to be tested and will hopefully perform as well.
Details on what the fundraiser benefits confirmed tomorrow.
And of course, there will be a bake sale.

08 December 2009

Things Have Happened

It's been about a month since the last post and things have happened. A lot of firsts.

First rejection to show this piece and first time it's been shown (partially). It's the first time I felt the force of my nerves for dancing in years and years and the first time I felt that relief from positive feedback and support from friends and family.

I have the utmost confidence in the women that I dance with - in their ability as performers - to take care of body and move smartly. This was no different. In fact, it absolutely delighted me to see each of them come to life in the way which pleases me so and that I hadn't realized until recently.

I repeat myself a lot and this is no different: part of my favorite part of performance is when something goes awry and there is that very brief period of time when as a performer you know it isn't working as designed and: Shit. How will this turn out. As audience member to be privy to the inner working of a performance is no different. Actually, it's quite the opposite. It's nice to see someone really thinking through what they're doing and committing to it and the accidental result can be better than the original intention.

The next endeavor is to figure out the second half of the piece. In excitement I purposed - let's do it again at 12MM! But, with doubt I wonder if that's smart. Should we let it be as is? And did I bite off more than I can possibly chew? A beginning to realizing the second half is to edit the first and par down the second. It has to be essential to stay.