09 December 2009

Fundraiser! And We Are Baking A Cake!

Thanks largely to Anne we have a fundraiser for one of her students at Studio 1 in Woodinville.
Friday January 8th at 8PM.
It's likely that only Anne + Maya will be performing. It's the fate of the working woman that Teresa works late on Fridays. She will be missed! But we're working it out.
The studio is small and we're paring down the set and the still partial piece. Ha! Even more partial.
One Cake. One Cake Stand. One Table. One Missing Performer. One Missing Section.
The new cake pan needs to be tested and will hopefully perform as well.
Details on what the fundraiser benefits confirmed tomorrow.
And of course, there will be a bake sale.

08 December 2009

Things Have Happened

It's been about a month since the last post and things have happened. A lot of firsts.

First rejection to show this piece and first time it's been shown (partially). It's the first time I felt the force of my nerves for dancing in years and years and the first time I felt that relief from positive feedback and support from friends and family.

I have the utmost confidence in the women that I dance with - in their ability as performers - to take care of body and move smartly. This was no different. In fact, it absolutely delighted me to see each of them come to life in the way which pleases me so and that I hadn't realized until recently.

I repeat myself a lot and this is no different: part of my favorite part of performance is when something goes awry and there is that very brief period of time when as a performer you know it isn't working as designed and: Shit. How will this turn out. As audience member to be privy to the inner working of a performance is no different. Actually, it's quite the opposite. It's nice to see someone really thinking through what they're doing and committing to it and the accidental result can be better than the original intention.

The next endeavor is to figure out the second half of the piece. In excitement I purposed - let's do it again at 12MM! But, with doubt I wonder if that's smart. Should we let it be as is? And did I bite off more than I can possibly chew? A beginning to realizing the second half is to edit the first and par down the second. It has to be essential to stay.

10 November 2009


Three more found...

Though all are bright red and black. It's curious that selection was either super long, super short or super old (read: shot elastic).

I managed to find three sort of middle, not quite long enough, but will have to work, options

02 November 2009

Bake Sale

Fundraising is a necessary thing for so many things artistic endeavors and organizations. Gotta stack that funding up somehow.

For this piece, we're going to have a Bake Sale (and hopefully) multiple Bake Sales (if it works out how I hope)...it only seems to make sense.

The only catch is if you think back on the last bake sale you attended, it's always in conjunction with some type of event and at a place with high traffic ie game, work event, fair etc...

  1. NWDS and I've talked about having some sort of viewing/performance which would be great, but would need to figure out a venue...

  2. Late night - street meat esque - Bake Sale vending situation on Capitol Hill. It would have to be a rogue/travelling bake sale situation though unless I want to invest in a legit permit.

  3. Vending booth at Pike Place which would be GREAT! Just need to figure out logistics and whether the expense of it is do-able.

  4. Scrap the Bake Sale idea and having a high faluting car wash with lots o' leg, rain golashes and jackets in the middle of winter.
So if you like to bake and/or have any great ideas for us, holler.


NW New Works Application Submitted

Check it off the list.

It was submitted on Friday. Just in time for Halloween festivities.

Keep your fingers crossed. I'll hear back in December sometime.

12 Minutes Max at On the Boards

Yesterday was the audition for the 12 MM at OtB. And I got the call last night from Brian Neel, one of the curators, saying we were accepted. Yay!

Anne, Teresa, and Maya were great, which for me, was not so surprising! There seemed to be a bit of nervous energy between the three of them and I can hardly blame anyone if they were nervous, as I was. Auditioning for anything is much more stressful than performing in an actual show. It's more intimate and because of that is harder to enter the performer mindset which is usually very comforting and for me is my happy place.

Another not so surprising, yet also rather surprising element of the audition was that I was more nervous than I've been in over a decade of performing in Seattle. Mostly because I wasn't a performer and had to actually speak to people about the piece. I also forgot Anne and Teresa's heels which was frustrating. (Seeing them put on the high heels is the best!) And we're talking shaking hands and voice nervous. Having the audition over and heading to rehearsal was a major relief.

Nice comments in Brian's message included that they (two curators and Sean Ryan from OtB) enjoyed the piece and that it is going to go at the top of the show because it's lively and dynamic. Wahooo!

I believe the section we auditioned was timed at just over 6.5 minutes which means that we have about 4 minutes to build in a very, very short period of time. But, we can do it! It was a really positive thing having other people see it (for the first time) in the current state and though I KNOW I will be -peeing my pants nervous- come showtime, am confident that the three ladies performing will put my nerves to rest.

16 October 2009

Baking In Heels

It's pretty incredible that you can spend hours, months, even years creating a product that though you might love, still took a really long time to make. Then, you can also create something in literally, 10 minutes and love it even more.

Credit goes to these ladies for making it happen.

This was the third and final take.

Pink and Gold Pumps = Love